Thursday, December 21, 2006


How to take your mind off the crappy stuff and put yourself in a better mood:

Go out to lunch with friend. Discuss things that make you laugh and laugh.

Pop into a store after lunch and leave with two beautiful Ralph Lauren and French Connection tops that are as soft as bunnies on clouds and were ON SALE that you just lurrrve.

Buy two magazines to read curled up under a blanket on the couch when you get home.

Have a really great hair day with perfect waves that are neither too curly nor too frizzy.

Remember the Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup ice cream that's waiting for you in the freezer.


Clink said...

Sounds perfect. Especially two new tops and the ice cream. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do when she has to distract herself.

I'm Kate said...

Nice work! Sounds like you got some good deals.

sassafras said...

I'm glad you know how to take care of yourself when the going is rough.