Monday, December 18, 2006

Two Turtle Doves And Some Things Just For Me

I finally finished my Christmas shopping this weekend. Everything is wrapped and waiting in big shopping bags to go home to New York.

I love looking at those bags of gifts. It's so nice to finally be in a position where I can afford to give the people I love all the things I want to give them. I spent way too much money on gifts, but I'm OK with that. Although my bank account may be crying a little.

Jen and I braved Target and the Christmas Tree Shop this weekend. Those are two places you really don't want to be a week before Christmas. But we were successful and actually managed to cross the remaining gift-needs off our list.

Since beginning my shopping in November, I've been pretty good about just buying things for others. However, a few items may have been slipped in that are all for me. They include socks, lotion, a DVD, two ornaments, a stuff Newfoundland that I couldn't resist even though I'm really not a stuffed animal person, countless soy chai lattes and one pair of shoes.

Fabulous leopard-print shoes.

Don't judge.


Anonymous said...

even 3000 miles away we are still so similiar.

I broke down and got the leopard print shoes myself, therefore I cannot judge, only praise!!!

sassafras said...

Hey, whatever gets you through the Christmas shopping!

Ripe for Reading said...

I haven't had a soy chai latte in forever. I think I might indulge in one today.

When do you leave for NY and does your guy spend the holidays with you too?

Have a good day!

I'm Kate said...

The shoes sound cute!

It's so hard not to buy anything for yourself when you go Christmas shopping. I'm definitely guilty of that.