Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's All Ridiculous

I was expecting some interesting searches that would lead people here yesterday. You have to expect it when you write about boobs. A look at my stats revealed that people were searching for, among others, "boobs", "big boobs", "little boobs", "my sister's big boobs" (um, ew), "breast milk" (did I write about breast milk? No.), "small boobies", "boobs get bigger", "blog girl boobs" and "milk maids".

I was also very surprised to see how many readers are in the same boat. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my frustration.

Moving on...

The weather was so nice yesterday that I decided to take a break from the office and go for a long walk. What I wasn't anticipating was that the warm weather had made the once frozen ground turn into a squishy, muddy mess. This caused me to step awkwardly around puddles and completely coat the heels and sides of my not-so-appropriate-for-walking-in-the-mud shoes.

As I started to head back to my office I felt pain on the bottom of my feet. Crap. Blisters. Just what I needed. Now the following is kind of gross, I'm not going to lie. But you've read about my bathroom habits, embarrassing moments and my issues with Things That Smell Bad. I think you can handle it.

The blisters had to be popped. There was no way around it because by the end of the walk I was hobbling up the stairs on tip toe. I'm no stranger to blisters. I was a dancer, after all. Blisters were a weekly thing. Once one healed, another formed. I was also on the crew team in high school. I once had a blister that took over the width of my hand. So gross. If they hurt, oh well. You danced on them, you rowed with them, you dealt with it. Pop, drain, repeat.

Apparently my tolerance has worn off because these new blisters? They HURT. Seriously, how am I ever going to give birth?

On a completely unrelated topic, some things that have been bothering me lately: men driving VW Bugs (it just seems weird), a house near work that still has headless scarecrows propped up on a bench that have been there since October, and the realization that with spring on the way, Mandals will once again make an appearance. You know, Man Sandals, those leather sandals with the open toes made for men?



Ripe for Reading said...

How does one view their stats?

sassafras said...

Are any "sandals" appropriate for men?

Anonymous said...

I don't mind flip flops but there's something about sandals on guys that just bothers me.

Sasha said...

You crack me up.

Tonight when you are getting ready for bed, coat the popped blisters (thickly) with neosporin and put soft cotton socks on, and sleep like that overnight. You will be suprised how much it helps.

Make sure the socks aren't ones you are attached to. The neosporin sometimes stains. (White socks are the best)

I'm Kate said...

I used to work across from a house that was underground, so all that stuck out of the ground was the roof and a tall phone booth-like entryway in which I can only assume there were steps leading to the lower level.

Something about those headless scarecrows reminded me of that. Creepy!

Unknown said...

I still get loads of hits from people looking for "how to get her drunk" from a story I posted about a time I was drunk. It's the charm of the blogosphere I'm afraid.