Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tagged Part 2

I was tagged. I've actually done this one before, but I don't think there is a shortage of weird things about me. So here we go. Six Weird Things About Me.

1. I cannot watch a movie unless I see it from the very beginning. Even if it's a movie I've seen 1,000 times, know all the words to and own the dvd. If it's not the beginning, I can't watch it. And if it's one I haven't seen? Forget it. I tried doing that when TNT plays movies back to back...watch the second half first and then the first half. It sucks.

2. I hate it when people shorten my name. My name is Molly, not Mol. I mean, come on. It's only five letters. How lazy are you that you have to shorten it to three? There are only a select few who are allowed to call me Mol and they had to earn it. Big time. The worst was when a professor would call me Mol on the first day of class or when a coworker did it the first week at a new job. And then you're stuck with it because you can't really say, "actually, DON'T." When I hear Mol, I think mall or maul. Ugh.

3. It's no secret I want to got engaged. It's also no secret that I browse the Knot, look at rings and dresses and think about reception sites. What may be kind of weird is that I already have a list. A big list. Full of everything from photographers to bakeries to florists. A list I've complied by reading message boards on the Knot. So that when it does happen, I'm ready to go. I am aware how sick this is. I am also aware that maybe I need to get out more on the weekends.

4. I was never into naming my cars, but in high school my first car was a Volvo and it was super cute. So my friend Abby and I named her the Molvo. And Abby had a Saab. Which, you guessed it, we named Saabby.

5. I call cats Moosies. I'm not entirely sure why I do this or where it started, but it stuck. And it has to be said in a high pitched, squealy voice. The sad thing is my friends and family are all aware of this and some of them even call them moosies now.

6. I had one of those allergy tests done years ago and I'm allergic to dust mites, ash trees and cockroaches. I don't know what an ash tree looks like and I've only seen a cockroach once, but whenever my allergies flare up I blame it on ash trees and cockroaches. Because, clearly, what else could it be.

I'm passing on the meme. Mike (no, it's not Michael), Sass, Ripe and Daily Editor...you're tagged!


sassafras said...

I hate when people shorten names as well! I work with someone who does that. I also work with someone that adds a "Y" to every name like he was 7 years old...Danny, Bobby, Billy, etc. It drives me crazy!

Anonymous said...

I related to the movie thing because I can't read magazines unless I read them from the beginning. Preferably, cover to cover, in one sitting. I feel uneasy when I only get halfway through.

Mike said...

Ok, remember, I'm new at this. So what the hell do i do now?

Unknown said...

I had the allergy test done and I was only allergic to Nickel, seriously, nickel. Like so allergic that the doctor called in other doctors and nurses to watch how quickly I was reacting to it.

Also, I booked my reception site before I was engaged and I LOVE the knot!

When you and Clink get engaged, we'll need to have a bride brainstorming fest!

Molly said...

I feel so much better now! Haha.

Sasha said...

haha! This cracks me up. I have lists too! shhh... my secret

Anonymous said...

You should have written about the words you hate. You know: moist, lozenge, bovine, mound....i can keep going :P I <3 you Mo (I didn't even know Molly was your name)