Tuesday, November 07, 2006


* I'm still fuming over the relationship with Michael's mom. I don't know why it's getting to me so much. I'm almost at the point where I want to sit down with her or write her a letter...anything to get my feelings across. Because right now I feel like she's taking advantage of the fact I haven't said anything to her.

The last few dinners with her? Awful. And at her birthday I really feel she took advantage of having an audience to be even more standoff-ish to me. Like she's saying, "Look, I told you she's not good enough."

And I've really had it up to here with the conservative, close minded statements. Yes, I'm liberal. Deal with it. Newsflash: liberal does not equal devil. It's not like I'm chained to a tree, burning my bra, making out with a woman all while aborting my unborn baby just because I can.

Sorry. That was a bit much. But you get my point.

And if I was really so awful, why would her intelligent, ADULT son be with me???

Thoughts, anyone?

*My first story is being published through work. I'm really excited about it because I worked really hard on it and it means that, oh yeah, I have a real job and I actually do something. The only downside is for whatever reason I won't be credited for it. At least not this time. No, it's not the New York Times, but I'm still disappointed. It's nice to see your name under your work.

*My mother is currently in the air flying to Hawaii for a week. I am not. You can see how happy I am about this.

*After tonight there will be no more political commercials. I cannot wait. If I have to see one more "the many hats of Chaffee" commercial I will scream.

*16 days till Thanksgiving! Yum!


sassafras said...

Or how about the casino? I'm about done with those commercials!
Found you through Clink's blog.

Domestic Goddess said...

I would suggest you do write a letter to your MIL. Get all of your feelings out. Chew her up one side and down the other. Prove her wrong and say all the things you have bit your tongue over. Then burn the letter.
It will be cathartic to you. If you were to mail a letter to her, it would probably just be more fodder for her to complain about.

I wish I was in Hawaii too.

I'm Kate said...

Is there anything Michael could say to his mom that might help the situation?

This might sound obvious, but you could try killin' her with kindness. It's hard to be nice to someone when they act like you're some kind of second-class citizen, but she might warm up eventually.

And yeah, it kind of sucks that moms are so protective of their sons. Even if they have good intentions, it's uncomfortable to be on the receiving end of that sort of behavior. I've seen my own mom act that way with my brother, and even my now-sister-in-law's mom is that way with her own son. I think it's some kind of unwritten rule that they have to act that way. ;)

Molly said...

Sass- It's over! No more commercials!

Goddess- That is a good idea. I knew that in reality it would be a bad idea to give her a letter...she'd probably keep it forever as proof of how awful I really am. She's not my MIL yet, but one day she will be and then we'll have even more issues I'm sure.

Daily Editor- Michael hasn't said anything to his mother. This is a real source of frustration for me because he thinks it's easier just to ignore her since "she'll never change." Trust me...I've been VERY kind. But it's getting to the point where something is going to need to be said. For my own sanity if nothing else!

** You women are fantastic! Thanks so much for all the input!