Friday, August 11, 2006

10 Things you may (or may not) know about me....but you totally should

1. I'm really weird about smelling things. Shredded cheese in a bag, for example. If it's been in the fridge for a couple days and I want to use it I will have to find Michael and make him smell it. If he's not home, no cheese for me. This used to be quite the issue when I lived with the ladies of 38 BP in college. I think it gets on people's nerves.

2. In relation to #1, I am deeply offended by B.O. I must have a super-sensitive nose because I swear I can smell it from across a room, down the aisle of the grocery store, through the walls of a dressing room....and when I say offended, I mean offended. I just don't understand how someone can't smell their own B.O. (For further reference, I call it Bo, as in Little Bo Peep.

3. I wasn't kidding about the shoe thing. I have a problem. It started innocently enough with a few here or there. It's gotten to the point where almost every shopping trip results in a pair. Not to say they're not fabulous. THEY ARE. I am a firm believer that you can dress up any outfit with the right pair of shoes. When Michael was away in Georgia for a month I bought five pairs. Five. In a month. I'm running out of places to put them.

4. I looooooove my friends. While most of them are spread out now throughout New England (and the Tri-State area.. I love NY forever and ever) I know they are there for me whenever I need them.

5. I am a totally sappy romantic. My mom calls me a mush. I love love. I am so blessed to be loved by so many amazing people. And I love being in love too!

6. I've been in an amazing relationship for over four years. I love you, Michael.

7. I saw Sting last weekend on the beach. For free. You know you're jealous.

8. I think squeezing blackheads is cool. Ditto for when Michael gets a zit on his back. It's like Christmas!

9. My sister and I are complete opposites, but she is the coolest girl in the world. We're seven years apart (she's younger) and used to fight all the time. Now that we're three hours apart I miss her like woah and get so excited every time I see her. She's amazingly talented and unique and no one can make me laugh like she does.

10. I rock at Friends trivia. Val bought me the board game for my birthday one year and no one will play with me because I always win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet I could beat you at Friends trivia. And I miss you too!!!
Perhaps I'll move to Rhode Island....into yur basment....yes.
Haha, just kidding.
I love you!!