Monday, August 28, 2006


1. Why is it virtually impossible to open the packaging on CVS brand Imodium? It's like the manufacturers are playing a sick joke on you. Need some advil? Just unscrew the lid. In need of something for your allergies? Just pop out the pill. But need something for the tummy and nooooo. Cut to me jabbing nail sissors into the packaging and cursing loudly.

2. Why do people feel it is necessary to bathe in perfume? Other people might not enjoy that particular smell. Or it might cause one to sneeze multiple times and consider taking some allergy meds. (Just pop out the pill!)

3. It's raining. Hard. You know what that means. It's me against Route 1 today.

4. Michael works a lot in the summer. I'm ok with it most of the time. I've accepted that overtime is sparse the rest of the year and now is the time for him to take it. But I'm usually prepared. Yesterday afternoon I was taken off guard. I assumed he was home for the whole night, but when he woke in the late afternoon after working an overnight he told me he had to be back at work for 6 p.m. ordinarily this would have been ok, but I was so excited about spending time with him that this broke me. I cried. It wasn't pretty. We're talking snot bubbles.

And then, after calming down, the masochist in me decided it would be a good idea to watch A Walk to Remember. More snot bubbles.

5. Rain and shoes don't get along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah...a female andy rooney....